Sunday, 13 May 2007

Where I live

I live in a nice little appartment in Brussels. It is a quiet area close to where I work. I've been staying there for a year now and I enjoy the place very much.

The dining room

The kitchen

The living room

The address is :
142 rue de la Cambre
1200 Bruxelles
You are welcome at anytime!


Julita said...

on attend la suite avec impatience ! Biz

Julita said...

et où est le maître de maison ???? et le signataire du bail ???

Mariana said...

Aurore!!!It´s great to hear from you, Amie left Argentina yesterday after spending some time togheter and traveling to Peru, we were wondering about you...You look great and happy. Congrats on the apartment looks nice and I hope we keep in better touch

vaness said...

Tu ne nous fera pas croire que tu n'as pas rangé pour les photos!!!!!
Combien de chemises repassées à l'heure par Seb?